十大网赌平台’s schools and departments offer a wide range of bachelor’s, 硕士, 以及博士学位项目, as well as professional certificates.
Clark is anchored by a core of arts and sciences departments that include everything from biology to visual and performing arts. 在这个基础之上, Clark adds the innovative transdisciplinary International Development, 社区, 及环境署, which brings together faculty and students from multiple disciplines — all working to develop solutions to world challenges. Two additional schools complete our academic enterprise: the Graduate 商学院, which offers an undergraduate major and several 硕士 degrees, and the 专业研究学院, which offers degrees and certificates for working professionals.
Undergraduate Arts and Sciences
Clark’s undergraduate program in the arts and sciences provides an innovative liberal arts bachelor’s degree combining rigorous coursework with hands-on experiences that enable students to apply their knowledge to solve problems beyond the classroom. We call this Liberal 教育 and Effective Practice (LEEP). 不管学科是什么, Clark takes its students on a journey from theory to practice, 从教室到世界. Clark students graduate ready to contribute and lead in whatever professional path they choose.
As the first institution in the United States initially dedicated exclusively to graduate training and research, 十大网赌平台 offers doctoral 项目 that have championed intellectual inquiry since the University’s founding in 1887. 今天, Clark offers doctoral 项目 in biology, 生物化学, 化学, 经济学, 地理位置, 历史, 物理, 和心理学, 和一个M.A. in 英语 and a master of arts in teaching (MAT). Clark’s di愿景 of 文科与理科研究生 flourishes as a close-knit community of more than 225 scholars in nine Ph.D. 程序和两个M.A. 项目.
Clark’s doctoral program in 地理位置 is top-ranked, and we have awarded more Ph.D.s in 地理位置 than any other institution. Our doctoral program in psychology is famous for its emphasis on culture and the social determinants of human well-being. And our unique program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies brings students from different disciplines together to study — and help prevent the reoccurrence of — some of humankind’s worst 历史. Our MAT program is nationally recognized for its success in strengthening educational outcomes in urban schools.
除了, Clark offers 14 accelerated degree 项目 that allow students to add a 硕士 degree onto their bachelor’s degree with only one additional year of work — and with free tuition for eligible students.
贝克尔设计学院 & 技术
Featuring one of the world’s top five Game Design 项目 and top 10 Master of Fine Arts 项目 per The Princeton Review, 贝克尔设计学院 & 技术 provides students with a real-world studio environment to prepare them for lifelong careers in an exciting, 快速变化的行业. We also offer a 4+1 program, allowing students to obtain a B.A. in Interactive Media Design, then add a fifth year to pursue the MFA.
As a business school based at a liberal arts university, the 商学院 provides a rigorous business education focused on a human context. Lessons in ethics and corporate responsibility go hand in hand with accounting and finance — the common ground being leadership, 愿景, 和成功.
Department of Sustainability and Social Justice
Clark’s Sustainability and Social Justice (formerly IDCE) is home to scholar-practitioners in passionate pursuit of solutions to the most pressing challenges facing individuals, 社区, 这个星球. 我们从事翻译, hands-on research that is inherently collaborative and uniquely effective.
The 专业研究学院 (SPS) serves the needs of recent graduates and working professionals seeking to advance in their jobs and careers. 学生 of diverse ages and backgrounds learn together in a context where various perspectives are welcomed and all experience is valued.